I've been cooped up in the city for a long time. For the full moon Spring Equinox I had the pleasure of going out to an art collective's forested property next to the Oregon Country Fair's land. I can't say exactly what, but something between the fire, people, creative projects, thoughts of OCF, forest, and full moon made me remember that our personal truth is layered - that for instance I don't have to be focused on my own projects or based in the city to make change happen. Truth can always change, but only with experiences that open up one's mind to those possibilities.
In feeling a deep amount of stress, I had to remind myself this morning that the future is unknown. What a person thinks or what their actions will be, it's unknown. How I will feel if I attend a party or go try something new, it's unknown. Humans have a knack for considering the worst possible outcome of a situation, but that leads us to ignore all the other possible outcomes.
I am no fortune teller, my future is wide open. A week ago I decided to start writing a daily affirmation for myself, but I want to share them with everyone as well. Affirmations only work if you actually believe in them, so don't force yourself! These are simply things I want to remember and bring more closely to my own life.
Much of my life has been spent unable to share love with others. While my anger and frustrations about human civilization fueled me well enough, those feelings could not sustain the goals I wanted to accomplish. Love is powerful, but also tricky. It can require a lot of self-work and vulnerability to give and receive in a wholesome way. To share love requires compatibility. To be love requires a special sort of journey that I can only feel deep appreciation for those who have gone to traverse. I don't know how some people do it, but I do know that love feels great and I can act in ways that will increase my capacity to love and be loved. I just finished making an easy reference poster for people who want to stay focused on their mental and emotional well-being. The 10" x 10" guide is laminated so you can even use dry erase markers on it to circle particular items you'd like to form into habits or cross them off one by one. Try hanging it in the bathroom, on your fridge, in your bedroom, or even a workspace! You can pick up a copy over at my Etsy Shop here. All orders include free shipping. Thanks for taking care of yourself!
About Me
Sage Liskey is an Oregon-born author, event organizer, public speaker, activist, and artist focused in poetry and digital collage. His work weaves together humor, scientific research, and whimsy to help uplift lives and reimagine society. He is the author of seven books including the bestselling You Are A Great And Powerful Wizard, Radical Self-Care, and You're A Snarky Darkness. You can find Sage at events throughout the west coast, especially at the Eugene Saturday Market. Signed copies of his books and a limited selection of artworks are available from etsy.com/shop/radcatpress
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August 2023
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