I'm very excited to announce the release of my first book, "The Happiest Choice: Essential Tools for Everyone's Brain Feelings." It's a book about cultivating happiness, coping with depression, and taking control of your life.You can order it on my website here, at Createspace, or Amazon. An e-book will be available for Kindle by the end of the month as well. If you're in the Pacific Northwest stay tuned for workshops, especially around the Eugene, Oregon area.
From the back cover description: "The Happiest Choice is a comprehensive and straight-to-the-point overview of traditional and alternative techniques for coping with depression and depressed feelings backed by scientific research or the author's personal experiences. The book is an inclusive guide that has information pertinent to anyone from mothers and introverts to activists and marginalized groups of people" Table of Contents (see the complete table of contents here) 1. How to Use This Guide 2. You Have Options 3. What is Depression? 4. What Causes Depression? 5. The Road Map of Coping 6. Activities and Hobbies 7. Taking Care of Your Mind and Body 8. Medicines for Depression and Anxiety 9. Thoughts for Change 10. Communication 11. Depression Related to Life Experiences 12. Advocacy, Volunteering, and Activism 13. Managing a Depressive Episode 14. Resources 15. Conclusion 16. Bibliography 157 sources. 5.5" x 8.5" 151 pages of content.
About Me
Sage Liskey is an Oregon-born author, event organizer, public speaker, activist, and artist focused in poetry and digital collage. His work weaves together humor, scientific research, and whimsy to help uplift lives and reimagine society. He is the author of seven books including the bestselling You Are A Great And Powerful Wizard, Radical Self-Care, and You're A Snarky Darkness. You can find Sage at events throughout the west coast, especially at the Eugene Saturday Market. Signed copies of his books and a limited selection of artworks are available from etsy.com/shop/radcatpress
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August 2023
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