We are all probably working too much in this system that we never asked to belong to. Slow down, go have some fun or do something nice for yourself. That is natural and you'll enjoy your working hours all the better.
Been making myself feel real awful thinking about what I do not have, what I have lost, and what I want. These thoughts bring me no closer to what I desire, so I must take action. Money, love, friendship, fame, what are you doing to get it? As is quoted from the Buddha, "Craving and desire are the cause of all unhappiness."
Healing from emotional wounds takes action, but I often get stuck in the fear or laziness of taking that first step - even though I know I'd feel way better if I did something. It's good to remind myself that inner conflicts don't just go away, they require communication, therapy, totally changing my life by moving or traveling, meditating, finding forgiveness, eating differently - they require me to take action. I want to feel good in this life, so I do the work on the road to recovery. And I can't just try once and then give up, I have to keep going and trust that working through the initial discomfort will eventually lead to feeling better. Sometimes multiple conversations are needed, sometimes switching therapists or trying multiple jobs is necessary - the healing is there, it just takes effort.
Out of a survival instinct, our brains often lie to us and make false assumptions. I have to remind myself, even if I'm feeling anxious, even if I believe it will be terrible, even if I cannot - where there is a will there is a way. Failure is the first step to success, so I try against all odds and learn and grow with every step. I can I can I can (even if I cannot initially, or my mind says no no no no no). Try. You'll surprise yourself.
These things should be general rather than specific - mortal creatures are too impermanent to rely on with their emotions and tendency toward death. I say that with some snarkiness, but still, it's true. My list contains: good lighting (especially sunrise and sunset), being immersed in art, cuddling people I like, having long conversations (in particular with new people), and sitting in nature (preferably around ancient trees).
Cat knows what's up. You are always capable of changing your situation for the better. Quit a job. Move. Think a little differently. Overthrow your shitty overlords. It doesn't matter how old you are or where you're at in life, today is a great day to embark on a new path.
About Me
Sage Liskey is an Oregon-born author, event organizer, public speaker, activist, and artist focused in poetry and digital collage. His work weaves together humor, scientific research, and whimsy to help uplift lives and reimagine society. He is the author of seven books including the bestselling You Are A Great And Powerful Wizard, Radical Self-Care, and You're A Snarky Darkness. You can find Sage at events throughout the west coast, especially at the Eugene Saturday Market. Signed copies of his books and a limited selection of artworks are available from etsy.com/shop/radcatpress
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