Anger can get the best of us, especially when something happens where we don't get our way. The negative feeling and resulting outcome of violence are highly promoted through mass media in the United States of America. Almost every news station, Hollywood movie, and video game incorporates anger into their productions, thus normalizing the emotion. These platforms inadvertently express violence (verbal and physical) as the only means of resolving anger though, but this is a myth – more often than not expressing anger only creates more anger and violence. Anger is a natural reaction to disagreements and stress, but often gets in the way of forgiveness, mutual understanding, and being happy. While at times useful for motivating you to face unlikable forces in your life, it is important to understand how to move on from anger, especially before it consumes you and become hatred. Anger: Releasing Your Fury Without Punching People is a short mini zine guide to anger management and constructively dealing with aggressive feelings. At our Etsy shop you can read the 8 essential tips for free in the images or pick up a physical copy for $3 USD. Check it out!
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About Me
Sage Liskey is an Oregon-born author, event organizer, public speaker, activist, and artist focused in poetry and digital collage. His work weaves together humor, scientific research, and whimsy to help uplift lives and reimagine society. He is the author of seven books including the bestselling You Are A Great And Powerful Wizard, Radical Self-Care, and You're A Snarky Darkness. You can find Sage at events throughout the west coast, especially at the Eugene Saturday Market. Signed copies of his books and a limited selection of artworks are available from
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August 2023
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